As of June 19, 2020, face masks will be required at all times in the AIMS office.

To protect our clients and staff, the AIMS personnel is taking the following steps every day:

  • Limiting staff to no more than 5 people at a time

  • Limiting clients to no more than 50% capacity

  • Limiting seating so that adequate space exists between individuals

  • Providing face masks and hand sanitizers

  • Disinfecting furniture and equipment daily and between clients

  • Monitoring staff health to quarantine (at home) any employee suspected of illness

To help protect yourself and others, we request that clients and guests adhere to the following steps:

  • Leave plenty of space between you and others during check-in

  • Use available hand sanitizer and masks if you do not have your own available

  • Complete payments online before entering the office

  • Limit parents / sponsors to 2 per client

  • Parents / sponsors should not enter the waiting area until their appointed time

  • Children or additional family members of clients must not wait in the AIMS lobby

  • Individuals with a recent illness (within two weeks) must reschedule for a later date